Easing Carpal Tunnel symptoms With Chiropractic Treatment

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a serious and painful nerve injury that affects 3% of working Americans. CTS occurs when the median nerve, which runs down a person’s forearm to their hand, gets compressed in the eight, small bones in the wrist called the carpal tunnel. This injury is typically caused over time by repetitive motion such as assembly line work, or typing. Symptoms of CTS include pain and numbness of the hand and wrist. While there are a variety of treatment options available to those who are affected, including surgery, chiropractic care has become a preferred and effective option.

Here are four ways patients with carpal tunnel syndrome benefit from chiropractic care.

  1. Chiropractic care has been documented to work on CTS. While there are never any guarantees that any one mode of treatment will work on every person, studies have shown strong results that back the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment on CTS. The majority of participants, in said studies, showed significant improvement in several categories such as range of motion, finger sensation, and pain reduction. Patients can feel confident that choosing chiropractic care as a treatment will reduce symptoms related to CTS.

  2. Chiropractic, a less invasive treatment option. If left undiagnosed or untreated for an extended amount of time, carpal tunnel syndrome can become too painful and advanced to be handled medicine and, therefore, will need surgery. However, chiropractic care often helps minimize surgery as a last resort. Chiropractic treatment can show positive results in controlling and managing CTS symptoms.

  3. Chiropractic care offers an alternative to drugs to manage pain. As with surgery, daily doses of medicine may be less than ideal when managing carpal tunnel syndrome. Certain patients may suffer side effects from the medicine, CTS medicines may even conflict with other medication. If medicinal treatment is not an attractive option, a chiropractor appointment is your next step of action. Chiropractic care involves joint manipulation and mobilization to help ease pain associated with CTS. A brace might also be recommended (a popular CTS treatment) to limit the hand’s movement and allow the wrist and tendons to heal. A chiropractor who is experience with carpal tunnel syndrome is able to review each case individually and make appropriate treatment recommendations.

  4. Allows patients to learn how to manage carpal tunnel syndrome. Unfortunately, health problems that produce chronic pain can take a toll on the patient not only physically, but mentally. Dealing with CTS can make a person feel powerless over their own body. Working with a chiropractor to relieve, and manage the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome allows the patient to be able to feel in charge of managing and improving their health. Workers who perform repetitive tasks daily as part of their job need to be especially cautious of carpal tunnel syndrome. Feeling pain, numbness, tingling, or burning in palms or fingers may be the first sign of CTS. The earlier it’s diagnosed, the more effective less-invasive treatment will be.

Of all the CTS treatment options available, chiropractic care offers the benefit of being a highly effective treatment while remaining much less invasive than other options. If you or anybody you know is suffering from this condition, call today. We’re here to help!


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