Three Ways to Help You Dodge the Flu

As recent years have gone by, we seem to hear a lot more about the impending cold and flu seasons.  As a Chiropractor, Dr. Kennedy often hears from his patients ways to naturally manage immediate flu symptoms, improve immune systems, and move towards a better, preventative healthy space without resorting to drug intervention. After over 30 years of experience, here is what he’s come up with:

  • Drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated. Ideally, you need half an ounce of water for every pound of body weight per day.  Studies have even shown that those who drink less water significantly increase the likelihood of getting the flu, a stuffy nose, or a sore throat.  Because water is required for every function of the body, staying hydrated is crucial. For example, proper hydration ensures the lining of the nose, the first line of defense, stays moist.  And if you’re not a fan of water, try adding a squeeze of lemon or lime to give it a bit more flavor.

  • Maintain adequate exercise and movement. Your hormonal system influences your nervous system which influences your immune system and all of these rely on your musculoskeletal system to move well and keep the wheels turning. A 20 min walk every day can help, but adding a basic resistance program 3-4x per week will make a huge difference. Try using resistance bands; choose 3 key exercises each session. Focus on upper extenders and lower flexors. Youtube is a great way to get ideas for exercise programs and resistance bands can be found in most department and sporting good stores.

  • Meditation and mindfulness. Stress weakens your immunity, that’s a fact! We often don’t allow the time or space to simply stop and recharge the batteries. Spend 10 minutes a day sitting quietly, meditating, and breathing. There has been a lot of research about how meditation directly helps boost immunity and restores vitality.

If you do start battling some cold and flu symptoms and can’t seem to get past them, contact our office for an appointment.  Chiropractic adjustments can help free issues that could be impeding your lymphatic, musculoskeletal, and central nervous systems lowering your natural immunity.   


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