The #1 Health Problem in the World

Low Back Pain; The #1 Health Problem in the World

Did you know that approximately 75-90% of the population presents with low back pain, with 67% presenting with neck pain (global health problem #4, by the way)? This equates to over a billion sufferers worldwide.

To put this into perspective; low back pain is a more common ailment than heart disease, asthma, diabetes, mental problems, and orthopedic conditions, just to name a few!

In Western Culture, our private health insurance companies are overburdened supporting a population with chronic low back pain. It’s no wonder our premiums go up. In my experience and opinion, good lifestyle choices are crucial in avoiding joining that statistic. This means getting active, eating right, and enough rest and relaxation… it’s about balance and taking care of yourself.

Research supports that the patient is at the center of their own health management plan. This means patients need to be educated and well informed about health options tailored to them; exercise plans, dietary guidelines, drug supplements, posture, ergonomic modifications, workplace health, and safety support. Call Wignall-Kennedy today to start your journey to a pain-free back.


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