How to Avoid A Golf Injury

One of the most important injury prevention methods for any sport or physical activity is stretching.

Something you’ve been told to do since your childhood, yet it never seems as important in the moment, right? Well, take it from a Chiropractor, STRETCHING IS SO IMPORTANT! All golfers, no matter the age or skill level, should have a routine of stretching or perform flexibility exercises prior to teeing off. Here are 3 great stretches you can do right on the green:

  • Standing Pelvic Tilts: Begin with arms crossed over the chest. Tuck the pelvis under, creating a posterior tilt of the pelvis; arch the back, creating an anterior tilt of the pelvis and return to a neutral spine. Repeat five times in each direction.   

  • Trunk Rotation: Standing, cross your arms and place each hand on the opposite shoulder. Inhale as you rotate from the core. Repeat 10 times in each direction.       

  • Hip Flexor Stretch: Place feet shoulders width apart and take a large step forward with your right foot, like you would for a lunge (for balance assistance, or an even deeper stretch, hold a golf club, dowel, or foam roller in front of you and actively push it down into the ground). Keep your body upright and posteriorly rotate your pelvis. Keeping your pelvis rotated, glutes squeezed, and body upright, lean forward at the hips, hold for 2 seconds.Return to start and repeat 10 times for each side.

  • Shoulder Stretch with Club Behind Back: Hold the club or towel in your right hand, palm facing upwards. Bring right arm over your head and the right palm behind your back. Bring your left arm behind your lower back and clasp the club or towel. Inhale as you gently pull down on the towel or club, exhale and release. Repeat five times and switch sides.

Another way to ease into 18 holes is to start with a light warm up. Hit a few balls first, starting with the wedge and working up to the driver (It’s extremely hard on your body to jump right into using the driver)!

If there are any persisting points of pain that you feel during your golf season, reach out to a sports medicine specialist to diagnose and prevent any further damage or recurring issues. As with any exercise program, it is important to consult with a medical professional before beginning something new. Proper preparation before, during, and after physical activity is key to keeping your body strong, flexible, and properly engaged, therefore, preventing injury.

For a consultation with a certified chiropractic sports physician to determine what your body needs to stay on top of its game, call Wignall-Kennedy Chiropractics today! (414) 257-2575


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